January2023 - Dec2023 - Angelpeak Photography by Tony Meikle Photographer Alnwick Northumberland UK

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January2023 - Dec2023

Photo Blog

My Photo Blog and Diary page
Various photo happenings and a few thoughts along the way.

Early Snow
Winter Light


The weather, recorded during the latter months of the year, was the wettest for many years in these parts. The end of November and early December brought a little early snowfall to add to the pre-Christmas scene. As a result, the camera is currently suffering from a distinct lack of exercise.

The World continues to be a very troubled place, from conflicts to politics and pandemics to Global warming alarmism. Whether things will improve as we move into the New Year, only time will tell.

Photos: Early snowfall in the village. Camera: iphone X.
Sycamore Gap, Hadriams Wall.


On the 27th September, in the middle of the night, persons unknown felled the famous Sycamore tree that grows on Hadrian's Wall, in a gap, close to Crag Lough. This tree was a familiar landmark during my years as a forester in this area. It is very sad to see it vandalised in this way and it has certainly caused a massive reaction far and wide, such was it's fame. It was featured in the movie "Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves" made thirty years ago.

Atlas village children
Ali baking

High Atlas earthquake.

On the 8th September, a very powerful earthquake hit the High Atlas Mountains of Morocco. The earthquake epicenter was in a remote part of mountains and in an area where I have spent quite a lot of time trekking and climbing in the past. There are many villages in this area and it is becoming increasingly evident that the resulting destruction is very severe and widespread. Many of the villages are difficult to access and it is feared that fatalities will amount to several thousand.
I made friends in this region and I am extremely anxious to learn if they have survived and how they have coped with such a catastrophe.

Photo above: Typical children of a remote High Atlas village. Europeans were rarely seen in this part of the Atlas and we were quite a novelty! (1992)
Photo left: Ali, a guide and good friend of several expeditions. He could bake bread anywhere! (1995)
Photo below: Tinmal Mosque before the earthquake in 1995 and after the quake this September (NY Times)
Katoubia Mosque
Katoubia Mosque earthquake
Cabbage White Caterpillar

Above: Blooming Heather at Ros Castle, looking towards the Cheviot.


Although we had some warm dry days during May and June, the months of July and August are best forgotten. The bad weather and continuing health problems have meant very few trips with a camera.

The number and variety of butterflies also seems to have been affected by the weather. Cabbage Whites however are the exception and the greedy hoards of caterpillars have happily demolished anything with a green leaf. I have learned that they like nasturtiums in particular, and by planting a few near lettuces, provides a useful diversion and can save the lettuces from attack.

Apart from the Cabbage Whites, the most common butterfly species have been Red Admirals and Peacocks (below).
Red Admiral
Peacock butterfly
MARCH 25th 2023
This weekend, the clocks go forward and British Summertime begins. But nobody told the weather clerk and cold, wet conditions, with flurries of snow, greeted the competitors, in their classic and vintage cars, on the second day of the Generations 2023 Rally.

The event is now in its second year and is organised by the Rally the Globe Car Club. More details can be found here at: https://rallytheglobe.com/generations-rally-2023/
The very many entries provided welcome and interesting entertainment on an otherwise dull day.
All photos: Lumix LX100 and iphoneX
Spring Bulbs
MARCH 2023

False springs are not uncommon in this part of the World. All the spring bulbs start to make their colourful appearance and then, not really unexpectedly, back comes winter!
This year, it came back with a vengeance with temperatures, on a couple of occasions, being the lowest we have had for several years at -6.
Hopefully, as the Equinox approaches, the real spring will arrive.

Photos: Apple iphone.
First signs of Spring
JANUARY 27th 2023

The first signs of Spring appear as the days start to lengthen. We are heading in the right direction.

January has so far been a month of cold spells and warm spells. The photos here were taken at the Port of Amble, in Northumberland, in late afternoon, during a very cold, but stable period of anti-cyclonic weather.

The top picture is looking down the River Coquet towards the sea and the photo beneath is taken looking up river, towards Warkworth. The Castle at Warkworth can be seen in the distance on the expanded picture.

Picture on left : Pots on the quayside.

Pictures taken with an iPhone.
Christmas Angel


The year 2022 has now ended; the Christmas Angel, in the Village shop has now been packed away -  a magnificent display - and many thanks to the ladies of the Village for all their time and effort in creating it.

2023 has now arrived but where will it take us? The World is in a bit of a mess at the moment, with conflicts, pandemics and disputes of one sort or another on virtually every continent on Earth. Hopefully, common sense and peace will eventually prevail, but I am not optimistic it will be in the short term.

But here’s hoping. A Happy New Year to all.
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